
Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis) – Larval foodplant of the Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk-moth also used as an alternative foodplant by the Marsh Fritillary butterfly. Good for pollinators.

Common toadflax (Linarea vulgaris) - Larval food plant of the Toadflax Pug Moth, good for long tongued pollinators

Common Knapweed (Centaurea nigra) – Larval food plant of the Knapweed Fritillary Moth, Good for pollinators

Tutsan (Hypericum androsaemum) – Good for pollinators

Spiny Restharrow (Ononis Spinosa) - Larval food plant for the Common Blue Butterfly


Field Maple (Acer campestre)

Silver Birch (Betula Pendula)


Elder (Sambucus nigra)


Hard Fern (Blechnum spicant)

Scaly Male Fern (Dryoptreris affinis)

Lady Fern (Athyrium felix femina)

Harts Tongue Fern (Asplenium scoloperidium)


Wavy hair grass (Deschampsia flexuosa)

Blue Fescue (Festuca glauca)

Tufted Hair Grass (Deschampsia cespitosa)

Snow Rush (Luzula nivea)

Purple Moor Grass (Molinea caerulea)

Quaking grass (Briza media)


Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) – Good for pollinators especially hoverflies. Produces seeds for birds.

Ox eye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare) – Good for pollinators

Milky Bellflower (Campanula lactiflora ) – Good for pollinators

Goats Beard (Aruncus dioicus)

Burnet 'Crimson Queen (Sanguisorba officinalis) – Larval foodplant of the Burnet Dot Moth, Good for pollinators

Plants for pollinators and Larval Food Plants List